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Posts about covid:

Relief for Restaurants - Government Measures Offer Respite to Struggling Sector

Relief for Restaurants - Government Measures Offer Respite to Struggling Sector

Lockdowns may be over as pandemic measures relax, but Canada’s restaurants face an uphill battle to recovery. Two years of restrictions, a labour shortage, and a looming recession have put enormous strain on the restaurant industry, with an estimated 13,000 foodservice businesses closing their doors since March 2020.

What Does Canada’s Post-COVID Restaurant Industry Look Like?

What Does Canada’s Post-COVID Restaurant Industry Look Like?

These are uncertain times for the Canadian restaurant industry and, without a crystal ball, it’s hard to know what’s on the horizon. In the short-term, the outlook is mixed. While restrictions are easing across the country and staff are returning, rising costs and wary customers mean it won’t be business as usual.

COVID-19 Relief Programs for Canadian Restaurants and Foodservice Businesses

COVID-19 Relief Programs for Canadian Restaurants and Foodservice Businesses

Are you looking for restaurant relief programs available in 2022? Click here for updated provincial and federal relief programs currently available.

COVID-19 has had a crippling effect on the foodservice industry, forcing many businesses to close permanently or shift to models that focus heavily on delivery and outdoor dining. Prior to the pandemic, the foodservice industry directly employed over 1.2 million Canadians who served nearly 22 million people each and every day. 

What the “New Normal” Looks Like for Restaurants

What the “New Normal” Looks Like for Restaurants

The “new normal” is something you’ve probably heard bandied about more than you can count. From our work lives to our social lives, every aspect of what we once thought of as day-to-day life has changed since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, and there’s no end in sight. While this same thing can be said for every industry, it’s especially true for the restaurant industry. The idea of upholding social distancing protocols has changed everything for restaurants, who for the time being have been forced to serve customers outside of their usual facilities, offer their services via delivery, or drastically reduce the number of customers allowed inside. 

The Future of Buffet-Style Restaurants

The Future of Buffet-Style Restaurants

The COVID-19 pandemic has left a permanent mark on the food service industry, affecting every facet of the way we once conducted business and forcing establishments to rapidly innovate. One of the most notable victims of COVID-19’s effect on food service is the self-serve buffet restaurant. The future of the buffet has been speculated on by industry experts everywhere - the COVID-19 virus is extremely contagious, making the future of these once favourite restaurants extremely uncertain. Have we seen the end of the buffet restaurant, or will these businesses be able to survive thanks to innovation and the implementation of COVID protocols? 

Mask Policy as Risk Management

Mask Policy as Risk Management

Wearing masks has been shown to be an important component in the fight to reduce the spread of COVID-19, prompting municipal governments to adopt mask policies in order for people to continue enjoying some semblance of normalcy. Like many things, wearing a mask has become a source of controversy, sparking widespread debates about freedom and social responsibility. While enforcing a mask policy may not always be the popular option for businesses, it’s an undeniably important part of your risk management policy. 

Maintaining Customer Trust as the Restaurant World Reopens

Maintaining Customer Trust as the Restaurant World Reopens

Businesses around the world are currently experiencing one of the toughest challenges they’ll ever face - maintaining and regaining customer trust in the midst of a pandemic. With the threat of COVID-19 transmission looming, businesses are being forced to juggle the issue of how to protect employees and customers while staying open and trying to turn a profit.

COVID Concepts: Smarter Scheduling

COVID Concepts: Smarter Scheduling

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, the foodservice industry is forced to adapt in order to survive unpredictable times. New practices and processes are being adopted by restaurants to protect food handlers and customers from COVID-19. With the reopening of the country seemingly on the horizon, it is critical that the foodservice industry take appropriate measures to continue protecting those that rely on it the most.