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Posts about communication:

COVID-19 Relief Programs for Canadian Restaurants and Foodservice Businesses

COVID-19 Relief Programs for Canadian Restaurants and Foodservice Businesses

Are you looking for restaurant relief programs available in 2022? Click here for updated provincial and federal relief programs currently available.

COVID-19 has had a crippling effect on the foodservice industry, forcing many businesses to close permanently or shift to models that focus heavily on delivery and outdoor dining. Prior to the pandemic, the foodservice industry directly employed over 1.2 million Canadians who served nearly 22 million people each and every day. 

Maintaining Customer Trust as the Restaurant World Reopens

Maintaining Customer Trust as the Restaurant World Reopens

Businesses around the world are currently experiencing one of the toughest challenges they’ll ever face - maintaining and regaining customer trust in the midst of a pandemic. With the threat of COVID-19 transmission looming, businesses are being forced to juggle the issue of how to protect employees and customers while staying open and trying to turn a profit.

COVID Concepts: Wellness Reporting for Restaurants

COVID Concepts: Wellness Reporting for Restaurants

The foodservice industry is currently facing an unprecedented challenge in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic. The crisis has forced businesses to adopt brand new practices and processes to ensure that they can still get food and beverages to customers safely and efficiently. From getting serious about food safety to offering revolutionary services like contactless delivery, there are plenty of strategies restaurants can adopt in order to adapt to these strange circumstances. 

Overcoming Language Barriers for Food Safety

Overcoming Language Barriers for Food Safety

In a recent CBC report on food safety citations that were handed out in Montreal, language barriers were cited as an obstacle by the head of Montreal’s food inspection department. 

In this article, language barriers are cited as a major reason why some food safety citations were handed out in Montreal.

"We have neighbourhoods where we have a challenge, sometimes caused by a language barrier, we have trouble getting our message across," she said, pointing to areas like Parc-Extension, Saint-Laurent, Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Côte-des-Neiges, Chinatown and Verdun. But, in these neighbourhoods, we also have excellent restaurants, impeccable.”

-Myrta Mantzavrakos, head of Montreal food inspection department