مدونة سوق سلامة الأغذية

مدونة تحتوي على مقالات تتعلق بشهادة مناولة الأغذية والتعليم حول القضايا المتعلقة بسلامة الأغذية.

Posts by Kevin Freeborn:

Ontario Food Premises Regulations Require Food Handler Safety Training

Ontario Food Premises Regulations Require Food Handler Safety Training
If you're a food handler, or restaurant owner, you need to know about changes to food handling regulations in Ontario. Recent regulatory updates highlight the importance of ensuring staff receive the appropriate food handling certification so your food service business stays compliant. 
As of July 1, 2018, Ontario food safety regulations changed drastically for food service operators around the province. Food Premises regulations under Ontario’s   Health Protection and Promotion Act require restaurant and food service establishment operators to ensure the presence of at least one certified food handler through every shift.

Food Safety & Weddings: Precautions for Caterers & DIY Weddings

Food Safety & Weddings: Precautions for Caterers & DIY Weddings
The summer wedding season is here. Weddings have a whole host of potential issues - one of the least talked about of which is food safety. DIY weddings are increasing in popularity, with the hosts trying to take on as much responsibility as possible in order to control costs. Whether you’re looking at choosing between a caterer or taking a DIY approach, or you’re a foodservice company working hard in wedding season, here are a few examples to show why you should always keep food safety in mind.

Hepatitis A and Foodservice Workers

Hepatitis A and Foodservice Workers

Customer exposures to Hepatitis A have seen a major increase throughout the first half of the year, with cases appearing in the US in Arkansas, Indiana, and California as well as other states, resulting in a multi-state outbreak of around 1,200 patients which led to the deaths of at least 40 people. Governing bodies are urging all North American food service workers to ensure that they are vaccinated against the easily transmittable Hepatitis A virus - especially in communities near the infected areas or workers who travel often. Here’s what food service workers and restaurant owners need to know about the relationship between Hepatitis A and the food service industry.

BBQ Food Safety Tips for Your Summer Grilling

BBQ Food Safety Tips for Your Summer Grilling
Although some Canadians enjoy their barbecues all year round, the hot summer season is when most people choose to fire up their grills and invite their friends and family for an enjoyable time in the sun. As with any type of cooking, there are a variety of food safety considerations to take into account this summer to avoid foodborne illness and ensure that your grilling season goes according to plan.

Dangers of Food Recalls

Dangers of Food Recalls
A recent study conducted by researchers at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia revealed   shocking revelations about Canadians and their relationship with food recalls. The study, lead by Dean of Management Sylvain Charlebois, revealed that Canadians regularly underestimate the severity of food contamination and food recalls, instead putting their trust into a system which many experts believe is not properly communicating the hazards of recalled food with the public.

الروبوتات: المستقبل المثير لسلامة الأغذية

الروبوتات: المستقبل المثير لسلامة الأغذية
يتنبأ الخيال العلمي بالدخول الحتمي للروبوتات إلى مكان العمل منذ عقود ، مما يجلب معه إمكانات متزايدة للكفاءة والسلامة ، فضلا عن تحرير الناس لواجبات أكثر أهمية في مكان العمل لا يمكن أتمتتها بسهولة. كانت هذه الأفكار تعتبر ذات يوم غير واقعية أو متقلبة للغاية ، لكن ظهور الروبوتات في صناعة المواد الغذائية حقيقي للغاية. تم إجراء عدة محاولات لأتمتة العمليات في قطاع الخدمات الغذائية ، بدءا من إعداد الطعام إلى توصيله مباشرة إلى عتبة داركم. إن الإمكانات التي يحملها إدخال الروبوتات في صناعة الأغذية لا حصر لها تقريبا ، خاصة عندما يتعلق الأمر بفوائد سلامة الأغذية.

How the “Grocerant” is Eating the Canadian Restaurant Business’ Lunch

How the “Grocerant” is Eating the Canadian Restaurant Business’ Lunch

The Canadian restaurant and dining industry is seeing the rise of a major competitor in the form of “grocerants”, which are popping up in our favourite supermarkets all around the country. The grocerant is a unique twist on the modern dine-in experience, giving customers many of the same healthy, high quality food options that they would have at a traditional restaurant. As with the rise of any new food trend, the grocerant brings with it a variety of food safety concerns.

Food Safety in Canadian Retirement Residences

Food Safety in Canadian Retirement Residences

A recent CBC article investigated the amount of food safety violations in Canadian senior citizen homes and retirement residences - the results were shocking, with health code violations at privately-run residences in the city of Ottawa more than doubling over the last three years. With an average of around nine infractions per year, some residences had as many as 41 in just a three-year period. Senior citizens are one of the most vulnerable populations in regards to foodborne illness, and it’s important that foodservice workers in the senior service industry take proper precautions to ensure that these homes are safe for all.

Using Infographics for Food Safety

Using Infographics for Food Safety

One of the biggest problems faced by food service professionals and food safety trainers alike is the issue of how to capture and hold attention when teaching foodservice employees about food safety. There are a variety of ways to do this, ranging from offering broader access to classes through online training to increasing the interactivity of food safety sessions. One of the most effective methods of teaching and reinforcing food safety best practices comes in the form of simple infographics. 

Why Health Inspections Are Good for Business

Why Health Inspections Are Good for Business

A recent three-part investigation held by Global News discovered that many restaurants in Nova Scotia go up to six years without being inspected by a public health official - including those deemed as being high-risk for foodborne illnesses. The food safety inspection gap in Nova Scotia comes as a surprise to many Canadians, as the benefits of food service establishments undergoing regular health inspections are innumerable for both customers and businesses themselves.