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Posts by Kevin Freeborn:

Food Safety Superhero Teaches Cancer Patients How to Prepare Food Properly

Food Safety Superhero Teaches Cancer Patients How to Prepare Food Properly

Robyn Goorevitch has been one of our food safety trainers for a number of years. In addition to her work with us, Robyn also runs her own food safety classes for various organizations. In July 2016, Robyn received a cancer diagnosis and was told by her oncologist that all she had to do to ensure that her food was safe was to avoid sushi. She was shocked by this misinformation, since she educates people every day on the food safety steps that have to be taken for high-risk groups - which includes cancer patients. She decided to do something about it by offering food safety classes through Wellspring, a nonprofit organization which exists to help cancer patients and their caregivers, even while battling the disease herself.

Nunavut’s New Food Safety Guidelines

Nunavut’s New Food Safety Guidelines

Nunavut has set itself apart from Canada’s other provinces and territories by creating its own government-enforced set of food safety guidelines. The guidelines are unique in that they have been created with the intention to protect citizens who are ill or may have compromised immune systems. Here’s what you need to know about country food and Nunavut’s new food safety guidelines. 

Top 5 Holiday “Problem” Foods and How to Handle Them Safely

Top 5 Holiday “Problem” Foods and How to Handle Them Safely

The holidays are quickly approaching, bringing with them traditional gatherings with family and friends featuring the usual holiday foods. For those responsible for meal preparation around the holidays, it’s important to know what foods pose potential food safety problems and how to handle them safely. Knowing the five problem foods will help you avoid a food poisoning nightmare scenario this holiday season.

Issues We Encounter in Food Safety Training

Issues We Encounter in Food Safety Training

Developing and implementing an effective food safety training program is essential to any business that deals with food, but it can present some challenges. Some of the challenges Food Safety Market has seen when performing our food safety training in Canada include a lack of uniformity regarding country-wide regulations and legislation, a lack of access to proper training, obligation to completing required courses, and a lack of engagement.   

Overcoming Language Barriers for Food Safety

Overcoming Language Barriers for Food Safety

In a recent CBC report on food safety citations that were handed out in Montreal, language barriers were cited as an obstacle by the head of Montreal’s food inspection department. 

In this article, language barriers are cited as a major reason why some food safety citations were handed out in Montreal.

"We have neighbourhoods where we have a challenge, sometimes caused by a language barrier, we have trouble getting our message across," she said, pointing to areas like Parc-Extension, Saint-Laurent, Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Côte-des-Neiges, Chinatown and Verdun. But, in these neighbourhoods, we also have excellent restaurants, impeccable.”

-Myrta Mantzavrakos, head of Montreal food inspection department

Summer Food Safety: Keep Food Safe While Camping, Hiking and More

Summer Food Safety: Keep Food Safe While Camping, Hiking and More

Summer cookouts and snacks on day trips go hand-in-hand with the enjoyment of our short Canadian summers. But food can quickly become contaminated with bacteria which causes foodborne illness. The hotter it is, the more exponential the chances are that your hot dogs and hamburgers are ticking disease bombs instead of tasty treats. It is possible to enjoy summer treats safely - it just takes some prep work and extra consideration.

Get to Know Your Local Food Safety Program

Get to Know Your Local Food Safety Program

If you run a Canadian restaurant or other foodservice business, complying with the federal Food Retail and Food Services Code (FRFSC) can help you get most of the way to being in compliance with your local food safety regulations.

But it is more helpful to know what the actual requirements and regulations are in your area, since the FRFSC is only a policy guidance document that various provincial and municipal bodies use to form their own food safety and public health regulations.

Food Safety and Buffets in a Food Service Establishment

Food Safety and Buffets in a Food Service Establishment

While many things can make a food safety expert twitch, one thing that will do it every time is saying the word “buffet”. The additional food safety hazards that accompany buffet service are well worth paying attention to. Nobody wants to make guests sick, and disease-causing bacteria have a habit of multiplying exponentially at room temperature once they take root in food.

Tech Innovations in Food Safety

Tech Innovations in Food Safety

Innovations in food safety are extremely important, as they help to combat illnesses, harmful microorganisms and pathogens, and in general make food consumption and production a safer, healthier practice. Each and every year we see emerging technologies that benefit people and businesses all around the world, but many of these advancements go unnoticed and unsung to the general public. Some of the most exciting recent advancements in food safety tech can be found below: