مدونة سوق سلامة الأغذية

مدونة تحتوي على مقالات تتعلق بشهادة مناولة الأغذية والتعليم حول القضايا المتعلقة بسلامة الأغذية.

Posts by Kevin Freeborn:

Our Reference Handbook is The Only Food Safety Guide You’ll Ever Need

Our Reference Handbook is The Only Food Safety Guide You’ll Ever Need

Our Food Safety Handbook is The Only Industry Guide You’ll Ever Need! 

Whether you’re a restaurant owner, a public health inspector, or trainer offering food handler safety certification, you need to stay up to date with the latest food service industry regulations, policies, and practices. 

Revamp Your Onboarding Process to Attract & Retain Employees

Revamp Your Onboarding Process to Attract & Retain Employees

The best way to set up your employees for success is through a successful onboarding process. Without it, your employees won’t be properly attuned to the expectations of their role within your company, nor how that role fits into the overall structure and philosophy of your organization. This can result in a disconnect between new employees and the rest of the workplace, essentially setting them up for failure. 

Elevate Prepares New Canadians to Thrive in the Food Sector

Elevate Prepares New Canadians to Thrive in the Food Sector


Since 1997, the mission of FoodSafetyMarket has been to help businesses protect themselves and their customers through food safety education. Over the years, we’ve seen more than 100,000 food handlers receive certification through our programs. One of our absolute favourite parts of having created so many strong business relationships over the years is being able to hear how our team helped another business take its operations to a whole new level. Everybody loves a success story, and we’re very happy that we’ve been able to generate more than a few ourselves. 

Mark: Corporate Training Manager Brings Home Food Safety Training Wins

Mark: Corporate Training Manager Brings Home Food Safety Training Wins


Meet Mark, a Corporate Training Manager at one of Canada’s largest chain of restaurants. While his responsibilities are many, the main focus of his job is dedicated to assessing the training needs of the company’s restaurant chains, evaluating the effectiveness of these training programs, and occasionally hiring consultants.

Elaine: Quality Assurance Manager and Food Safety Superhero

Elaine: Quality Assurance Manager and Food Safety Superhero

Elaine is a Quality Assurance Manager at the head office of a large chain of Canadian restaurants, and her days are devoted to fact-checking data, collating data, and feeding all of that information into various reports. Despite how boring that sounds, Elaine loves her job because she knows she plays a key role in helping her franchise owners and everyone else in the business be the best they can be.  

Everything You Need to Know About Ghost Kitchens

Everything You Need to Know About Ghost Kitchens

With the pandemic forcing restaurants to rethink their operating models, there's been a rise in so-called 'ghost kitchens' - pop-up facilities that focus on preparing and cooking food without the need for in-person dining. Some say they're at risk for improper food handling, some love them for their convenience. We take a look at what's behind this growing trend and what it means for food handlers.

Restaurant delivery sales were already surging prior to COVID-19, and the pandemic has only managed to grow them at a faster rate. The continuing popularity of delivery options has seen the creation of an entirely new type of food service business - the ghost kitchen. Not nearly as scary as they sound, ghost kitchens offer a delivery-only alternative to traditional restaurants that patrons and food service operators alike love.