مدونة سوق سلامة الأغذية

مدونة تحتوي على مقالات تتعلق بشهادة مناولة الأغذية والتعليم حول القضايا المتعلقة بسلامة الأغذية.

Posts about school:

Back to School Food Safety - 6 Life Hacks to Make Sure Lunches are Safe

Back to School Food Safety - 6 Life Hacks to Make Sure Lunches are Safe

Let’s face it, most school lunches aren’t carefully planned, Pinterest-worthy creations that parents spend hours slaving over. They’re usually thrown together in the morning or the night before by busy parents. In this environment, it’s easy to throw food safety considerations out the window. Here’s a cheat sheet to help you pack better lunches, even if you are in a hurry.