مدونة سوق سلامة الأغذية

مدونة تحتوي على مقالات تتعلق بشهادة مناولة الأغذية والتعليم حول القضايا المتعلقة بسلامة الأغذية.

Posts about customer service:

Drive Business in Tough Times With Customer Loyalty Programs

Drive Business in Tough Times With Customer Loyalty Programs

It’s been a tough year for the restaurant industry and with diners expected to stay away into 2023, there’s little respite in sight. Given the bleak outlook, now’s the time to switch up your marketing to find new ways of attracting and keeping consumers.

Incentivising diners to become repeat customers can significantly grow your customer base. According to a recent survey, more than 50% of Canadians would be more likely to dine out if offered loyalty programs.

9 Tips for Handling a Food Safety Complaint at Your Restaurant

9 Tips for Handling a Food Safety Complaint at Your Restaurant

No matter how many food safety precautions you take at your establishment, you will inevitably get a complaint at some point that a customer ate something at your restaurant that made them sick. These complaints aren’t a hassle, but an opportunity to conduct a review of your food handling procedures and a way to prevent negative reviews of your restaurant, both online and off.